At Aurora Pest Control and Wildlife Removal, we know that you have many options for your pest control needs. That’s why we offer the most effective and comprehensive pest treatments available for a wide range of insects. Our innovative treatments are EPA certified, and are safe for your family and pets. Our professional and courteous Specialists are trained to perform a thorough inspection of your home to properly evaluate, diagnose, and eliminate your pest infestation.
If you have been finding any of the following the insects inside your home, we recommend that you call us as soon as possible for a consultation. Trying to eliminate insects yourself with over-the-counter products may be harmful to your family and pets, and may worsen the situation.
We also offer beg bug removal services.
Worried about insect mess?
After the insects have been eliminated, there is often a mess left behind. Our Pest Control technician will remove all visible specimens from your home.